Sidr from apples at home

Autumn is a wonderful time for homework. And when compotes and jams have already been cooked, you can proceed to cooking a delicious apple cider home drink! It will turn out a delicious and environmentally friendly natural product, with a low alcohol content. Experimenting with different varieties of apples and adding a little different fruits, you can get a drink with many taste shades. It is quite simple to make a spider of apples at home. We collect apples on the personal plot, you can also a carrion. Fruits need to be washed, cleaned of damaged places, remove the stalks and leaves. You can clean it of the core, but it is at will. Then chop the apples: you can just cut or grate. We put it in a pre -washed enameled, glass or wooden dishes. Add sugar in the following proportions: for a dry cider of 100 grams per kilogram, for more sweet 130-150 grams per 1 kilogram of fruit mass. The process of fermentation will begin for a while, so we fill the dishes by 2/3 of the total. We cover the future cider with a clean cloth or gauze and put in a warm place. Do not forget to mix every day. In the course of 3-5 days, fermentation will begin and a characteristic smell will appear. So, it's time to strain the mass and squeeze the juice. Pour the resulting drink into prepared clean bottles or banks. We fill in the dishes 2/3 of the volume, leaving a place for foam. Be sure to make a water shutter: closing the container, leave a place for a tube. We lower the other end of the tube into a glass of water. We keep everything in a dark place. And we are patient for 1.2 2 months. By the expiration of the specified period of time, we carefully filter the resulting cider several times. At this moment, you can add a little liquor or cognac, giving the sidra a characteristic tart taste. Lemon zest will shade the taste of cider with a light citrus aroma. Several berries of cherries or black ashly will give the sidra a rich color. Pour into bottles and give the drink to settled. Depending on the temperature of the room, the finished cider can be filtered after 2-4 months. After filtering, we pour the homemade cord into prepared bottles and let it stand in a cool place for 1-2 months. A delicious cider with a light hop -up aroma is ready! The sunny color and thin apple aroma will warm the long winter evenings, and remind of a wonderful, warm summer. Best Provider 188 sb offers greate games and promotions